In the Jungle! A Counting Book.

In the Jungle A Counting Book

In the Jungle! A Counting Book.

What has frightened the animals so? Why are they running away?

The answer is in the jungle!

Artsists Minu Mishra and Nandini Pandey created the vibrant illustrations in this counting book in the style of the traditional tribal art from India, known as Gond Art. An art form of the Gond community, the largest tribal group in India, Gond art draws its inspiration from nature. What was once a decoration on the walls and floors of people’s homes is now transferred to paper. The textures inherent to hand-made paper make it the perfect medium to replicate the effect from the wall paintings. Artists use lines, dots, and dashes to bring the images to life. It is only natural that Minu and Nandini chose this style to depict a child’s dream about the jungle.

With vivid illustrations and simple text, this counting book will enthrall young readers as they practice counting backward.

Did you know we have more Indian-themed picture books? Click on the links below to read them:

The Shadow Behind the Well

The Monsoon is Here!

The Little Parrot and the Angel’s Tears

Irattai Kilavi – A Bilingual Picture Book (English and Tamil)

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