Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher

tags Fantasy
Jeremy Thatcher Dragon Hatcher
Author: Bruce Coville
Book Review By: Rajan Nair
Class: 6

Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher

Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher by Bruce Coville is a fantastic fantasy book for kids. It keeps you glued to the book until the very end.

When Jeremy runs away from a pair of bullies he gets lost. He is ona  strange street that he has never seen before. There is a magic shop on the street! He goes into a magic shop and looks around. The shopkeeper, Mr. Elives tells him that a stone egg has chosen him. Jeremy thinks it is a trick but he buys the stone and bring s  it to his house. He follows the directions to ‘hatch’ the egg and goes to sleep.

Of course, it is not a trick because Jeremey wakes up and sees a baby dragon. He calls her Tiamat and learns to take care of her. Even though the dragon is invisible it is hard to keep her a secret. Jeremy becomes friend with Mary Lou who can also see the dragon. The ending was very sad but it was the right thing to do.  It made me think about how the shopkeeper said the egg had ‘chosen’ Jeremy. In taking care of Tiamat, Jeremy learns to believe in himself.

When I read about Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher, I wished I could get a pet dragon. It would be so amazing even though it would be difficult too. If you like fantasy without too many fights in the story, you will like this book.

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