Independence day is coming up. It is India’s 75th Independence day. Usually, we’d be out hoisting the flag and celebrating. This year is a little different. But it is also a reminder for us how we must work together to protect each other in our society. We hope you stay safe in these difficult times and also act responsibly.
Today we have a special broadcast for you. There are two first-person accounts from people who witnessed the first independence day on August 15, 1947. One is in his own words, and the other is a short biographical exploration. We hope you find meaning in their accounts.
The first account is from Shri A. N. S Poduval, born in 1932 and saw India become an independent country during his mid-teens. After completing his graduation, he began his career as a school teacher in Thrissur, Kerala. Shri Poduval continued to study and changed fields to work as a cost accountant. When he retired, he was 87 years old. His children remember him as a happy, active, and contented man with a positive attitude to life.
The second exploration is by Shrimathi Saraswathy, who was seven years old when India became Independent. She remembers the day vividly, the frock she wore, the sweet she ate, and the people’s happiness despite the limited resources available for everyone.
Listen and Enjoy!