How the Onion got its Layers

Onion Got its layers
Author: Sudha Murty
Book Review by: Anjum Babu
Class: 5

How the Onion Got Its Layers

My book is How The Onion Got Its Layers, written by Sudha Murty. I loved this story.

A long time ago, there was a king and queen. The king and queen were sad because they did not have any children. So they went to a forest and prayed to the Goddess to give them a child. The Goddess said, “I will give you a baby, but there will be one problem. She will wear a new dress every day. Do you still want the baby?”

The king and queen both said yes. They called the baby Beena. Beena was a beautiful and kind girl, and everybody in the kingdom loved her. She always wanted to wear a new dress every day. So, the tailors came to the palace and made beautiful clothes for her. After some time, this became a problem because it is a waste of money.

The king and queen didn’t know what to do. So they sent Beena to the forest to talk to the Goddess and find a solution. The Goddess told her that she will wear a new dress every day when she wakes up. But she cannot exchange it with other kids. But one day, Beena gave her pretty clothes to another girl and took her saree. Now, the Goddess came and said Beena must be punished. Beena told the Goddess to make her into something that all people love. So when people in her kingdom peeled onions, they cried remembering Beena. That is how the onion got its layers!

I recommend this book for others to read. The drawings are also very beautiful, and there is lots of jewellery.

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Sudha Murty Books

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3 months ago

Dear Anjum, good to see you liked this book. Continue with your reviews on other books too.

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