Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

Children's Book Reviews
Author: J. K. Rowling
Book Review By: K. Karunya
Class: 8

About the Book:

Harry Potter is a novel of 7 books. This is the first book where all epic adventure starts in 17 chapters. Comedy, action, magic and mystery are the story emotions included.

About the Author:

JK Rowling is the author of this novel. It was published on 26 June 1997. The main message that she wants to convey through this story is “It is not striving for immortality, but all about accepting mortality.

About the Story:

This story was about lonely orphan who discovers that he is actually a wizard and enrols in the Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He finds friends also he known to be famous by his scar on his head and everything goes fine. Suddenly, he came to know that there is a philosopher’s stone made by Nicolas Flamel and its safe guarded in forbidden room in school. Harry Potter came to know that someone was trying to steal so they can become immortal and can turn anything to gold. At last, Harry Potter with the help of his friends saved and hand overed the stone safely to headmaster of the school and headmaster destroyed the stone.


I don’t like the way Harry Potter’s uncle, aunt and his cousin treated Harry Potter bad. They might have been showed kind in the story.

Why do I recommend this book to all?

I love this book because it showed how brave was Harry Potter to face twists and problems and when I read this book, it feels like I am in magical world as there are magical things goes around them.

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