Mr. Stink
Author: David Walliams
Illustrator: Quentin Blake
Book Review By: Yazhini Arora
Class: 6


Chloe is a lonely little girl. But she is not the only one who is lonely. Every day in front of Chloe’s house
sat a lonely tramp named Mr. Stink on a bench and beside him was seated Duchess, his pet dog. Now
Mr. Stink stank a LOT! So nobody ever spoke to him. One day Chloe met him and they both became
friends. But when her mother was running in the elections for becoming the local MP, she had proudly
announced “Every homeless tramp shall be banned from our streets. They are menace to our society.
And most importantly, they smell”.

Now you’ll have to read the book by yourself to find out what happens next. If I were David Walliams
then I would have made more use of Chloe’s sister and dad. I relate the book to my life when it comes to
bullying. What I really like is that it’s a book on comic relief. My favorite character was Mr. Stink because
everything he said revealed something about him. There could have been better use of vocabulary
otherwise the book is amazing. I liked the book because it’s filled with humor, generosity, a pinch of
sadness in the beginning and end, and lastly that Raj is in every David Walliams book. I would like to
share it with whoever is a fan of books , humor and a bit of mystery. If there was a rating platform I
would give this book a five out of five.

Click here to read more book reviews:

Three Thousand Stitches


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