Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Author: J.K. Rowling
Book Review By: Zunairah Zahid
Class: 4

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is about an orphan child named Harry Potter who goes to a magic school named Hogwarts. Overlooking the advice of Dobby, the house elf, he figures out (with his friends, Hermione and Ron) who is behind all the chaos about the people who look like they are turned into stone.

The book is actually very funny, adventurous. It is a fiction book. Harry Potter is the main character. I will recommend this book to others as it is really very funny. Others will also like it if they are in for a little bit of humour. I liked the way all the three friends Hermione, Harry and Ron defeated Voldermort for the second time, although temporarily. The one thing I did not like about the book is about Voldermort always chasing Harry! Why not others? Harry only has to suffer. Also, his parents are dead! So, he can’t even cry on his parents’ shoulders. My favourite characters are all three friends Hermione, Harry and Ron. They are best friends in the novel and they always mix together by their natures very well. I learnt that friendship can overcome any obstacle and evil. I would include almost the same content except that in the end, Voldermort would actually realize his mistake apologize to Harry and become his friend.

Dobby’s sinister prediction seems to be coming true…….Stay tuned for the adventure and fun.

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