Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire

Children's Book Reviews
Author: J. K. Rowling
Book Review By: Anjali Raodeo
Class: 6

Amidst the popular series of harry potter, this book “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” written by J. K Rowling and published by Bloomsbury gives the readers a better vision of the amazing wizarding world. The goblet of fire chooses one capable student from each of the wizarding schools as a representative to participate in the Triwizard tournament which contains three death defining tasks. Due to the magical age line, Harry isn’t allowed to participate. Unexpectedly, his name gets chosen for this risky job… Hopefully he’ll make it out alive.  (Read the book to find out)

I’m imagining what the people around me will think after looking at my face while I was reading the book. Each page of this book has a new surprise which makes you more anxious as to what will happen next. More the reader reads, the deeper into the book he dives. This mysterious and thrilling book is for all ages. Its grammar is very accurate and contains a few new words which children of my age might not know. Yet, I’d recommend this book to just about anyone. Especially those who’d like to improve his/her vocabulary and to those who loves reading adventurous books, just like me 😉  

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