
tags Fiction
Children's Book Reviews
Author: Cathy Cassidy
Book Review By: Merita Dilip
Class: 5

Scarlett is only one of my favourite books. I knew it was one of my favourite books from the moment I read the first five words “I am in trouble, again.”

Scarlett is always in trouble. It is definitely not her fault. It is because she feels she is not loved. Everything was alright until she was ten years old, when her father walked right out of her life. She never forgave him. She has been expelled from five different schools and her mother has had enough. She is sent to live with her father. She is sure that she will never forgive her mother. Her father lives in Ireland with a woman called Claire, who makes soaps with herbs, and her daughter, Holly. It is bad enough that her father left her and her mother, but what makes it worse is that she is replaced! By a seven-year-old!

One day, she even runs away and that’s when she meets Kian, and his horse, Midnight. There is something mysterious and magical about the pair and Scarlett intends to find out what it is. Kian helps her understand that she must never give up on her family. Scarlett is growing used to the fact that she has a new family when things go terribly wrong. Will she be able to save the day and get help or will she fail to save Claire? what happened to Claire? Well, you have to read to find out!!

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Adventure 9
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Book review contest 3
Children's Book 2
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colouring 11
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Education in India 21
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Fantasy 39
Festivals of India 30
Fiction 32
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Ghost Stories 6
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Harry Potter 11
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India 8
Indian Air Force 1
indian festivals 20
Indian Independence Day 2
Indian kidlit 32
Indian states 12
Indian Traditions 1
Interview with speacialists 0
Learning to read 6
life cycle of a butterfly 1
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Masala Fairy Tales 17
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Phonics 1
picture book 11
play 1
Poetry 6
Primary Education in India 1
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Reading 1
reading challenge 1
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Screen time 1
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Short Stories 3
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Text Structure 2
Thirukkural 48
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virtual schooling 3
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worksheets 35
writing 4
Young Adult 15
Young Writers 20
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