Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

tags Fantasy
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Author: Lewis Carroll
Book Review By: Anjum Fathima
Class: 5

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

I read Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. It is a fantasy and was written a long time ago. So some of the words are different and my mother had to help me understand it. Alice was outside when she saw a white rabbit. Alice was surprised and felt curious and she chased the white rabbit. When the rabbit jumped inside a rabbit hole, Alice also fell inside. After that, she met too many weird animals and people and had many adventures.

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is funny but also confusing. Alice saw so many people and animals and they all acted strangely. The rabbit is called the Mad Hatter. There is a queen who kept saying “Off with their heads” and a Cheshire Cat and a mock turtle. Alice was chased by the card soldiers. But the funny thing is it was all a dream. Alice woke up on her sister’s lap and saw she was safe. She went back home.

I read the book two times because it was confusing. I liked it more when I read it the second time.

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