I joyfully got down from my auto and gladly went inside my house. Even though I was fearful that the last exam was science, I was glad it was the last exam. Annual holidays had always been fun days. I refreshed myself and ate some tiiffin. I had two days holidays for the last exam. I sat and relaxed for some time and then opened my book to start reading. The next day, on noon after eating a marvellous lunch made by my mother, I started studying again. Suddenly I had a doubt. So I phoned my friend.

My friend asked me, “Why are you reading science right now?”

A fear filled my brain! Have I read the wrong subject?

“But this is the last exam I thought!”

Then my friend said, “Don’t you know that the exams have been cancelled?”

I was the happiest person in the world that second. Science exam cancelled!!! Even though my friend said this, some doubt was there in my mind that she might be kidding. I asked everyone I knew and everyone said that the exams have been cancelled. I was stunned! Then full of happiness, I started playing tab with my sister.

But the very next day they started my most hateful part of the day, Online classes!

It was the 19th day of my holiday. Next day the school will be reopening. But I didn’t bother myself as I received information that the schools are closed due to Corona. Even though there was no school, I had much household work to do as I have been in my house every day. Me and my sister always spend more time in household work. One month went by like this. But the next month sorrow filled me. For the first time, the government brought the announcement that the lockdown had to be practiced in every house. What!! No hotels?? No schools?? No restaurants?? No resorts?? I was so worried as we couldn’t even go outside. But the very next day they started my most hateful part of the day, Online classes! Since that day, six months now, I have been in my house. ‘How terrible!’ I thought. Then I remember Dr. Abdul kalam saying that “2020 will be a dream year.” Yes of course, it is a dream year for me!

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4 years ago

I laughed so much when I read this. You have written down what thousands of children feel. I hope all this settles down and you are all able to go to school and spend some time with friends.

Arunima Choudhry
Arunima Choudhry
4 years ago

Very good writing.

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