Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Book Review by Children
Author: J K Rowling
Book Review by: Anshuman Nagpal
Class: 6

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is the 7th and the last book in the series, written by JK Rowling, and published on the 21st of July 2007.

Being the last one, this is the most exciting and action filled one. Now that Harry, Ron, and Hermione have come of age, they all are adults, and Harry finally leaves his little home in Privet Drive. The 3 know about how Voldemort can be killed and destroyed forever: wiping out his Horcruxes, something that gets introduced to us readers in the previous book. Skipping their last year at Hogwarts, Harry, Ron, and Hermione set off for the adventure, a quest for finishing off Voldemort.

Many things happen around them; with Snape becoming Headmaster of Hogwarts, Death Eaters pretending to work in the Ministry, and Voldemort becoming stronger and stronger than ever before, that it becomes difficult and complicated for the trio to accomplish their mission. The book concludes with a Wizarding War II which eventually marks the end of Voldemort’s existence.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, as I said before, is the best book in the series. The book has answers to all the questions that were left unanswered in the previous books, giving clarity to Harry, Ron, and Hermione about their mission to stop Voldemort. In this book, Rowling not only gives the spotlight to Harry and Hermione but also allows Ron to shine. Being a well mix of Action, Adventure, Mystery, Sorrow, and Romance, the book contains what definitely cannot be missed by anyone. Visual Imagery and Literary Devices were used the best way in this book, especially to portray the scenes of Wizarding War II, at the end of the story.

Apart from being a literary piece, the book imparts very pertinent lessons as well that one must remember. It tells us to never stop fighting; for good times will always follow no matter what. The same thought was portrayed throughout the story, which is what had driven the trio (Harry, Ron, Hermione) through their mission to its culmination without giving up. If we look around in our own so to say non-magical, muggle lives, we too can find people; who despite their personal and professional hinderances and losses; have never given up on themselves, people around and circumstances that they were surrounded with to come out as winners.

Never give up, the darkness will pass, and the light will shine on you again is thus a very profound message that the story tries to give out. If one does not want to miss out on Harry’s, Ron’s, and Hermione’s action-filled adventures and their wit to fight against the Wrong, unjustifiable, then this is the book that is meant to be read.

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